Category: Image

Moving Photos with LoopFlow

Using the LoopFlow plugin from AEScripts for After Effects to make photos move. I wanted to use photos that had things in them you wouldn’t expect to move. Some of the photos work better than others.

10 Years of

I’ve now had the website for 10 years! Doesn’t time fly?!

Lego Spirit of the Woods Moc!

I thought it would be fun to try and create the characters from my short film Spirit of the Woods in Lego. It was fun trying to source the parts for the figures that best resembled what the characters were wearing in the film. Some parts are custom printed Lego as I couldn’t find an …

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Twenty Eighteen

Most of 2018 was spent putting the short film “Spirit of the Woods” together, which was a lot of fun. After the short film was finished time was spent putting the DVD together for the cast and crew, which turned out great. Other things created in 2018 were animated gifs with Trapcode Tao including some …

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Poster for Spirit of the Woods

Here’s the poster for my new short film “Spirit of the Woods”  

Trapcode Tao Penguin

Another character made with Trapcode Tao in Adobe After Effects, this time a Penguin.  Made the same way as the Snail and the Robot with Tao lights.  Trapcode Mir was used for quick and simple ice bergs in the background and Element 3D for the one that the penguin is standing on.

Trapcode Tao Robot Character

A classic robot character made with Trapcode Tao.  Animated Tao Lumi lights were used for the robots eyes and control panel.

Trapcode Tao Snail

A Snail character, made with Trapcode Tao, animated lights and null objects in Adobe After Effects.

Mandelbulber Fractal Images

Been experimenting with Mandelbulber for Linux.   Mandelbulber is free software for creating 3D fractals. Mandelbulb 3D is also available for free on Windows and Mac. Here are some images I’ve rendered out with only a few settings changed from the original fractal.  

Some Amberlight 2 Animation Experiments

Here are some animation experiments with the Amberlight 2 program from Escape Motions.